This commit is contained in:
José Valdiviesso 2018-07-30 23:45:43 +01:00
parent 6045f3267f
commit 6dcbb36c9c
67 changed files with 22152 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ const outs = require('./outs.json');
//genItems(); //generate base item collection //genItems(); //generate base item collection
console.log("Updating Items!");
console.log("Updating Cost Index!");
cron.schedule('*/30 * * * *', function() { cron.schedule('*/30 * * * *', function() {
console.log("Updating Items!"); console.log("Updating Items!");
newUpdateItems(); newUpdateItems();

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public/html_code.html Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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11 0 6 -11 -9 -14 -68 -4 -61 4 2 11 0 14 -6 4 -6 1 -9 -7 -8 -7 2 -14 -8 -16
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10 5 7 1 4 -9 -7 -18 -19 -61 -31 -51 -14 4 5 12 7 18 5 7 -3 13 1 13 8 0 10
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9 23 -1 16 -2 16 -6 0 -2 -9 -14 -20 -26 -24 -12 -4 -25 -11 -28 -16 -3 -5 -9
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3 -9 -7 -9 -7 -2 2 14 17 12 25 -5 25 -8 0 -12 -4 -9 -9 8 -12 -29 -6 -39 7
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10 -1 10 4 0 14 -17 14 -25 1 -5 -8 -12 -7 -23 2 -11 8 -10 5 3 -10 l19 -23
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19 -7 5 0 12 -7 14 -15 3 -9 1 -11 -4 -5 -13 16 -66 12 -70 -5 -4 -13 -3 -13
6 0 6 8 11 10 11 4 0 -19 -13 -24 -28 -11 -13 10 -14 9 -7 -2 6 -11 3 -13 -13
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3 -20 -2 -29 -10 -8 -8 -18 -12 -23 -8 -5 4 -2 -2 6 -12 13 -18 13 -19 -1 -14
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15 -10 16 -14 5 -21 -10 -6 -10 -9 -2 -9 7 0 16 7 21 16 8 15 10 15 15 0 4
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-27 1 -5 -3 -6 -8 -3 -5 3 -14 0 -20 -8 -9 -11 -9 -15 1 -19 7 -2 -2 -4 -19
-3 -18 0 -33 5 -33 10 0 5 -3 7 -6 4 -3 -4 -1 -16 6 -27 13 -25 7 -27 -15 -5
-19 19 -33 11 -16 -9 9 -11 7 -17 -6 -28 -9 -8 -14 -9 -10 -2 4 6 2 15 -4 19
-7 4 -9 3 -5 -4 3 -6 -2 -18 -11 -28 -16 -16 -16 -16 6 -9 20 6 22 5 12 -13
-14 -26 -14 -43 -1 -22 8 13 10 12 10 -3 0 -10 4 -16 8 -13 6 4 9 -83 3 -103
0 -2 -11 4 -23 15 l-21 19 18 -27 c9 -15 20 -26 24 -23 4 2 8 -2 8 -10 0 -8
-4 -12 -9 -9 -4 3 -8 -2 -8 -11 0 -9 4 -13 10 -10 6 3 10 0 10 -7 0 -9 3 -9
11 2 8 12 9 11 7 -5 -2 -11 2 -19 8 -18 6 1 11 -5 11 -13 0 -7 -4 -14 -9 -14
-4 0 -8 3 -8 8 0 4 -9 13 -20 19 -14 9 -21 10 -26 1 -4 -6 -3 -8 4 -4 6 3 20
-6 31 -20 17 -22 23 -24 36 -14 18 15 20 0 3 -19 -11 -11 -10 -13 3 -8 9 3 21
2 28 -2 16 -10 3 -41 -18 -41 -14 0 -14 -2 -1 -10 10 -6 19 -2 32 18 21 32 24
18 3 -21 -8 -15 -10 -25 -5 -22 4 3 10 2 13 -2 2 -5 2 -2 1 4 -3 12 9 17 28
14 5 0 8 5 8 11 0 9 4 8 10 -2 9 -13 10 -13 10 0 0 13 1 13 10 0 9 -13 10 -13
10 0 0 12 2 12 9 2 4 -8 11 -13 15 -13 3 1 6 -2 7 -6 1 -17 33 -43 46 -39 7 3
15 0 19 -6 4 -7 3 -8 -4 -4 -7 4 -12 3 -12 -2 0 -6 -10 -8 -22 -5 -13 3 -20 3
-17 -1 4 -4 19 -8 35 -9 15 -1 29 -9 31 -17 4 -13 3 -13 -7 0 -10 13 -11 13
-7 0 2 -8 10 -14 16 -12 6 1 11 -3 11 -9 0 -5 4 -8 9 -4 6 3 15 -4 21 -15 6
-11 15 -18 21 -15 5 4 8 1 7 -7 -2 -8 5 -12 17 -11 19 1 19 1 2 -11 -17 -13
-19 -39 -3 -64 5 -8 4 -18 -3 -25 -6 -6 -11 -18 -11 -26 0 -14 2 -14 11 -1 8
12 9 11 7 -5 -2 -11 2 -19 8 -18 10 2 14 -10 15 -49 0 -10 5 -21 11 -24 6 -4
8 -2 4 4 -3 6 -1 14 5 18 7 4 9 3 6 -3 -4 -6 2 -13 13 -16 11 -3 19 -11 18
-19 -2 -7 2 -12 7 -11 13 2 13 -73 1 -84 -5 -4 -7 2 -4 14 3 12 0 30 -8 41 -7
11 -10 22 -6 26 3 4 -1 4 -11 0 -10 -3 -17 -1 -17 6 0 6 4 9 9 5 5 -3 12 -1
16 4 3 6 -7 9 -24 8 -26 -2 -28 -4 -16 -17 10 -11 11 -20 3 -35 -6 -11 -7 -17
-3 -13 15 14 61 -46 56 -75 0 -4 4 -7 10 -7 6 0 8 9 4 23 -7 21 -6 21 11 5 14
-14 15 -20 5 -32 -7 -9 -11 -21 -8 -28 3 -8 6 -6 6 5 1 14 5 16 20 8 10 -6 21
-7 25 -4 3 3 6 2 7 -3 4 -41 7 -55 14 -61 4 -5 4 2 1 14 -6 19 -4 22 9 17 11
-5 15 -14 11 -28 -5 -21 -5 -21 10 -1 13 17 12 20 -6 30 -11 6 -18 14 -14 17
3 4 -3 11 -13 16 -18 10 -25 12 -43 12 -7 0 -7 7 1 21 9 17 8 20 -2 14 -8 -6
-10 -4 -4 5 6 9 4 11 -5 5 -9 -6 -11 -4 -5 5 5 8 4 11 -2 7 -5 -3 -10 0 -10 8
0 20 7 19 23 -2 12 -16 15 -16 23 -3 8 12 10 10 8 -8 0 -12 -5 -22 -9 -22 -4
0 -8 -5 -8 -11 0 -6 9 -8 23 -4 17 5 19 4 7 -4 -10 -7 -11 -11 -3 -11 7 0 29
-16 49 -35 20 -20 34 -28 30 -19 -4 10 -2 14 6 11 7 -2 12 -13 11 -23 -2 -16
-1 -15 9 4 12 23 30 30 26 10 -2 -7 9 -13 25 -13 15 -1 27 4 27 12 0 7 -7 10
-15 7 -8 -4 -15 -1 -15 4 0 6 -13 9 -30 7 -19 -3 -29 0 -27 8 1 6 -8 12 -20
13 -13 1 -20 -3 -16 -9 3 -6 1 -7 -6 -3 -6 4 -9 11 -6 16 3 5 -3 11 -12 13
-14 4 -13 5 4 6 12 0 23 -4 25 -11 3 -8 12 -4 26 10 12 12 22 18 22 14 0 -4
-5 -13 -11 -19 -7 -7 -6 -12 5 -16 9 -4 15 -1 13 5 -1 5 6 12 16 13 11 2 16 1
13 -2 -9 -9 14 -44 25 -37 6 3 13 -3 16 -15 6 -24 13 -26 33 -9 12 11 12 10 1
-5 -8 -10 -9 -17 -3 -17 6 0 16 8 21 18 8 13 10 14 11 2 0 -8 10 1 22 20 12
19 21 39 20 43 -1 5 2 5 8 2 8 -5 6 -13 -6 -26 -24 -27 -12 -33 14 -9 22 20
23 19 26 -17 1 -7 6 -13 11 -12 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 8 4 14 13 14 22 0 30 -4 27
-12 -1 -5 2 -8 8 -8 13 0 13 17 0 25 -5 3 -10 11 -10 17 0 6 7 5 17 -3 9 -8
14 -9 10 -2 -9 14 2 45 13 38 5 -3 7 6 4 20 -3 15 0 25 8 25 6 0 20 8 31 17
11 10 17 12 13 5 -4 -7 -2 -12 7 -12 17 0 68 56 59 65 -3 3 2 3 13 -1 18 -7
19 -6 5 11 -8 10 -10 16 -3 12 7 -4 13 0 16 10 4 17 5 17 6 1 0 -10 6 -18 11
-18 6 0 10 8 10 18 0 14 2 15 10 2 7 -12 12 -12 21 -3 10 10 17 9 33 -5 20
-16 20 -16 7 0 -15 20 -2 25 17 6 9 -9 15 -9 25 1 10 10 8 11 -8 5 -18 -7 -19
-6 -5 12 14 17 13 18 -1 6 -14 -10 -16 -8 -15 16 1 25 3 27 19 18 9 -6 17 -16
17 -23 0 -6 4 -15 10 -18 7 -4 7 2 1 18 -6 14 -7 28 -3 33 4 4 2 4 -5 0 -6 -3
-14 -3 -17 2 -6 10 51 9 60 -1 4 -4 -1 -7 -11 -7 -10 0 -16 -3 -12 -6 3 -4 13
-4 22 0 14 5 14 8 -2 33 -17 28 -17 28 2 11 25 -21 52 -5 57 35 5 35 12 41 29
20 8 -9 9 -14 2 -10 -17 11 -26 -10 -13 -30 10 -16 10 -15 5 4 -5 18 -2 21 13
18 11 -2 19 2 19 10 0 8 -4 12 -8 10 -4 -3 -9 2 -12 10 -5 11 -1 12 17 5 16
-6 27 -5 35 3 7 7 16 13 22 13 5 1 15 2 22 3 8 1 8 4 -3 11 -9 5 -19 5 -26 0
-6 -6 -15 -6 -19 -2 -5 4 -5 1 0 -7 6 -10 4 -12 -5 -6 -9 5 -11 4 -6 -3 11
-18 0 -14 -15 6 -7 9 -9 14 -5 10 5 -4 15 -3 23 3 7 6 13 8 13 5 0 -4 11 6 25
21 13 15 25 22 25 16 0 -7 -4 -13 -10 -13 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -8 0 -5 7 -9 15 -9
13 0 20 16 16 39 0 4 6 5 14 2 11 -5 14 -1 9 12 -5 16 -4 16 5 4 8 -11 7 -18
-6 -27 -21 -16 -9 -17 16 -1 16 9 18 16 10 32 -9 19 -8 19 10 -1 26 -30 36
-29 16 1 -16 23 -15 24 4 19 12 -3 18 -10 14 -17 -3 -6 -3 -8 2 -4 4 4 15 2
24 -5 14 -10 14 -10 4 3 -17 22 5 47 39 45 22 -2 26 1 17 12 -6 7 -8 13 -4 13
4 0 1 8 -6 17 -8 9 -9 14 -3 10 6 -3 20 0 30 8 10 8 24 14 29 15 6 0 5 -4 -2
-8 -9 -5 -6 -12 10 -21 19 -12 20 -12 10 0 -7 9 -8 20 -3 29 5 8 7 17 4 21 -2
4 4 6 14 5 12 -1 16 5 14 19 -2 16 -1 17 7 5 7 -11 4 -21 -11 -37 -12 -13 -19
-26 -16 -29 4 -3 11 4 17 15 7 13 18 18 29 15 14 -5 15 -4 2 5 -13 9 -13 11 0
12 8 1 22 1 30 0 13 -2 13 -1 0 8 -8 6 -11 11 -6 11 5 0 2 8 -5 17 -8 10 -9
14 -2 10 6 -4 14 -3 17 2 7 11 24 9 46 -4 9 -5 7 1 -5 15 -11 13 -14 20 -8 16
7 -4 21 -2 30 4 16 11 16 11 1 6 -10 -3 -20 0 -24 6 -4 7 -3 8 4 4 7 -4 12 -3
12 3 0 5 9 8 20 6 11 -2 18 0 15 5 -3 5 -17 6 -31 4 -24 -4 -25 -3 -10 11 19
19 21 39 4 29 -9 -5 -9 -2 1 9 14 17 26 24 17 9 -3 -5 1 -9 8 -9 8 0 12 6 9
14 -3 7 -12 13 -20 13 -8 0 -12 4 -8 9 3 5 1 12 -4 15 -5 3 -7 15 -4 25 4 17
-23 42 -47 45 -3 0 -4 6 -2 13 2 7 -2 13 -8 13 -5 0 -10 -5 -10 -12 0 -6 -3
-9 -6 -6 -3 4 0 17 7 30 12 22 11 23 -8 5 -16 -14 -20 -14 -20 -2 0 8 4 12 9
9 13 -8 10 10 -4 25 -10 11 -10 13 0 7 7 -4 12 -1 12 8 0 8 -3 16 -7 19 -5 2
-3 2 4 1 6 -2 14 4 17 12 9 23 7 31 -3 16 -7 -11 -9 -10 -14 3 -4 10 -3 14 4
10 6 -4 10 -1 8 6 -3 28 2 39 19 40 10 0 12 3 5 6 -7 2 -13 9 -13 14 0 6 5 7
10 4 6 -3 10 -2 10 4 0 5 -6 12 -12 14 -10 4 -10 6 0 6 7 1 10 6 7 11 -3 6 -1
10 5 10 6 0 8 5 5 10 -5 8 -12 7 -23 -2 -15 -12 -16 -11 -2 6 20 25 21 46 3
46 -13 0 -14 -2 -2 -17 13 -16 12 -17 -4 -4 -13 10 -15 17 -6 27 12 14 12 14
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